Jun 15, 2016


Have you ever met anyone who is just a rotten person?

I am not talking about a child molester or ax murderer, mind you. That’s evil and there is a difference.

I am talking about a regular, every day, run-of-the-mill person -who also just happens to have a character flaw rendering them either a bitch or an asshole, as if it were truly no fault of their own. They cannot help being negative, soul-sucking people lacking in basic human traits of empathy and compassion as they were apparently just born or raised that way and simply cannot help it.

This is the kind of person whose personal agenda is more important than the welfare of those they say they love -to the point they will justify and rationalize any actions, no matter how despicable, to callously and I suspect, self-satisfyingly have their way.

Love, decency, kindness and respect are not things these people understand.

They operate on the idea that life is first and foremost about being right, even when “right” requires a good deal of “spinning of the facts” to make them “right”.

They are spiteful and vindictive people who are most satisfied making rules, passing judgement and handing out punishments regardless of whether they have the actual or moral authority to do so.

You have heard of the kind, right? 
Hell, I’d bet you know a couple.

They are the ones who are quick to blame the victim.

They are the ones who apparently most able or presumptuous to speak for God seem to have very few qualities that could be described as “godly”, isn’t it?

I can readily admit that there are people who I do not like obviously. I can even admit there are a few who just don’t like me. We all know that there are some people you just cannot get along with and have to do your best to tolerate.

So, let me give you (and myself) a bit of free advice for dealing with such people on my next post.


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