Sep 28, 2016

The hardest walk

Hey, sorry tak post lagi pasal lombok. Banyak benda nak cerita weh. 

As for today, Ive just got my certificate for getting into dean's list on previous semester. Aku pernah blogkan yang sem lepas adalah sem paling barai. So i guess the shit that happen is just something to make me appreciate this 'dean' game a little more. Worth it for all those fight !

Yeah, ive got into fight with some shit friend. At first, it was my fault. Yeah, aku salah sebab aku sound sorang kawan aku ni in front of 2 others people yang bagi dia stranger. Actually, those strangers are someone that we have known but not so personally and close. So before aku ada peluang untuk minta maaf besok harinya, she already brought her colony to drag me down. Tahu tahu je aku ni dah cari pasal dengan tiga orang. Plus, they even conclude kawan aku yang langsung tak tahu menahu pasal fight tu. They called me makcik and use very rude, harsh word toward me and my friends. So this one for you ! F*ck You!  Bila nak face to face, bagi macam macam alasan dekat ws. At the end, si A salahkan si B, Si B tak explain ape ape terus mintak maaf sebab si A paksa. Yang C pulak dok ikut kepala dia. Bagi si C ni, si A dengan si B ni yang betul. Aku salah. 

Then, waktu minggu study week. Aku tak cuti lama, aku balik awal. Too many subjects nak recover balik, at previous blog aku ade cerita yang mak aku sakit and aku skip class banyak just for her but those shit people think i was enjoying myself sebab tak pergi class. F-ck ah! So one day, aku solat macam biasa and aku doa, "Ya Allah, kau maha adil. Kalau aku salah dalam pergaduhan kali ni. Bagilah aku balasan yang setimpal. Andai kata aku yang betul, berikanlah sesuatu yang setimpal dengan usaha aku."

That was my pray, of course aku ingat ! Yelah, for someone yang banyak skip class. Bila nak final, belajar sampai tak larat nak bangun. Kepala sakit nak mampus because i was struggling too hard. I was hoping for 3 and above pon cukup la. Asalkan atas tiga, tapi Alhamdulillah, dia masukkan aku dalam senarai dekan terus. Menangis aku check result hari tu HAHAHA :') 

And for those people. Idk if they read this, i dont even care. Aku dah mintak maaf, aku dah setel part aku. Aku harap korang consider orang lain. Jangan fikir diri sendiri. Thats how a group can performed well. Cukup cukup lah meniru. Buanglah tabiat meniru tu. Muka dah lawa tapi tabiat lama tak buang pon buruk jugak. 

Thanks sebab bagi aku pengalaman hidup macam ni. Yeah, at time, that was my hardest walk.

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